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DeFi in Polkadot Vol.9 | Mar 8th - Mar 14th

DeFi in Polkadot series is published weekly, which combines observations of Coin98 Ventures on the Polkadot ecosystem's decentralized finance-related projects.
Published Mar 15 2021
Updated Oct 16 2023
8 min read


DeFi in Polkadot series is published weekly, which combines observations of Coin98 Ventures on the Polkadot ecosystem's decentralized finance-related projects. For projects wanting to be featured in DeFi in Polkadot or having any suggestions, please chat with us at [email protected].


Parity Technologies introduces Statemint

Parity Technologies - Blockchain Infrastructure for the Decentralised Web is developing Statemint - a generic assets parachain, as one of the first common-good chains which will provide functionality for deploying assets — from tokenized artwork to stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies both in the Polkadot and Kusama networks as well as give users a better experience with lower fees. 

Check the announcement here.

Treasury Proposal Milestone #2 Launch

OpenSquare Network - an application-based blockchain product based on Substrate that focuses on decentralized collaboration introduces their M2. Community members now can check the incomes and comment about the funded projects, each expense of Kusama Network  treasury. 

Treasury Proposal Milestone 2 Launch

Poka DeFiance Event 

Poka DeFiance is an online conference to update the latest news on what’s actually going on in the Polkadot DeFi ecosystem and explain why it matters. It will take place on March 18 2021 4 PM CET. 

Register the event here

Infrastructure & Parachain

Clover x Chainlink

Clover - an innovative Ethereum-adaptable smart contract infrastructure on the Polkadot ecosystem has built a partnership with Chainlink - a decentralized oracle network. This collaboration will empower cross-chain DeFi between Polkadot and Ethereum as well as allow Clover ecosystem to natively support a wide range of DeFi applications.

Check the partnership announcement here

Clover x Manta

Clover announces its strategic partnership with Manta -a Polkadot parachain to provide complete end-to-end privacy, high throughput, and cross-chain interoperability. 

Through this collaboration, Clover and Manta shall work together in researching  DEXs with cross-chain technology, privacy protection, and price stability; bringing DeFi products with complete end to end anonymity, high throughput, and efficient cross-chain interoperability.

Clover x Hedget

Clover will be working with Hedget - a leading decentralized protocol for options trading to build a cross-chain bridge between Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot.

Currently, Hedget finds a way to help crypto holders lower risk and secure positions against the increasing market volatility in the cryptocurrency market on BSC. Now with the support from Clover, Hedge will reach more users on Polkadot Network and widen its community. 

Clover x Dego

Clover will establish a strategic partnership with Dego -  an NFT + DeFi Fusion Reactor, aiming to build a one-stop NFT system, upholding NFT Protocol, trading [email protected], cross-chain function, DeFi apps, games and etc to jointly work on providing richer NFT products and use cases for the Polkadot ecosystem.

Apron x Dego

Apron Network - a decentralized platform for DApp developers, DApp users, and infrastructure operators and Dego - a decentralized financial ecosystem through a diverse combination of NFT+DeFi have conducted in-depth collaboration in the field of NFT+DeFi.

Apron Network will provide DEGO with decentralized infrastructure service supports such as node service, data indexing services, and other infrastructure services including price feed and random number in the future, to help DEGO Finance develop rapidly.

Check this article for more information. 

Apron x Darwinia

Apron and Darwinia - a decentralized heterogeneous cross-chain bridge protocol built on Substrate, focusing on decentralized cross-chain token swap, exchange, and market have reached important cooperation to strengthen the Polkadot ecosystem.

Through this partnership, Apron Network will provide decentralized node service into Darwinia and improve more seamless asset transfer on heterogeneous cross-chain, continually bringing Web3.0 future closer and jointly promote the Darwinia Builder Program to provide developers with an infrastructure platform.  

For more detailed information, read this announcement.

Centrifuge reached 5M TVL

On Mar 9, Centrifuge announced their latest milestone that they reached $5M TVL  on Tinlake.

Centrifuge reached 5M TVL

Phala x Bifrost

Phala Network - a privacy-preserving cloud computing service, will cooperate with Bifrost -  a Polkadot Ecosystem DeFi infrastructure protocol. Thanks to this strategic partnership, Phala will provide the privacy protection consensus into Bifrost liquidity derivatives and explore the possibility of improving the advantages of pledge derivatives applications through the privacy network.

Why not read this article for  more information. 

Phala x Bifrost

Plasm release Journey to Polkadot

Plasm Network - a scalable, interoperable, multi-virtual machine smart contract platform on Polkadot is founded in 2019 and has been developing a wide range of technological advancements and products in the Polkadot ecosystem. This report shows all the unforgettable milestones on their developing journey. 

Let’s check out the report here

PolkaPet NFT of Plasm Network - Plasm

On Mar 10, Plasm Network released their unique PolkaPet NFT - Plasm which is a community-driven NFT Collectible Card with interesting characteristics. 

Meet Plasm here with all information related NFT sale details

PolkaPet NFT

Kilt Protocol v0.20.0 Launch

On Mar 11, Kilt Protocol - an open-source fat blockchain protocol for issuing claim-based verifiable, revocable, and anonymous credentials in Web 3.0 officially announced their v0.20.0 version launch.

Moonbeam x Seascape

Moonbeam - an Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform on the Polkadot network that makes it easy to build natively interoperable applications has partnered with Seascape Network - an incentivized ecosystem consisting of gamers, developers, and influencers.  

As part of this partnership, the Seascape team will port their existing portfolio of games to the Moonbeam platform and will also develop a new game in the future that is exclusive to Moonbeam. 

Sora v2 Hashi

From March 11 to March 15 2021, there will be a referendum to enable the HASHI bridge between the SORA v2 -SORA Substrate-based network - and Ethereum. The HASHI bridge will allow tokens to be moved between the SORA v2 and Ethereum networks.


Sora v2 Hashi

Bifrost connected to Rococo v1 

Bifrost has successfully connected to Rococo v1 for parachain testing. It has finished local cross-chain testing with ZenlinkPro and will next test cross-chains with AcalaNetwork, Zenlink, PhalaNetwork, and other Rococo v1 projects. 


ChainX x Bridge Mutual

Bridge Mutual - a decentralized, p2p/p2b discretionary risk coverage platform that provides coverage for stablecoins, centralized exchanges, and smart contracts has formed a partnership with ChainX- a project committed to the research and application of Bitcoin layer 2 expansion, digital asset gateway and Polkadot second-layer relay chain to strengthen the security for BTC hosting and X-BTC smart contract expansion. 

ChainX’s XBTC 2.0 Testnet 

ChainX’s XBTC 2.0 was completed and the testnet will be launched at the end of March. The name of the new XBTC 2.0 module is CXBridg with three roles in CXBridge: ordinary users (just users), Asset Vaults, and supervisors. 

Crust x Ares Protocol

Crust Network, a decentralized storage protocol and Ares protocol - the first decentralized cross-chain oracle service protocol in the Polkadot ecosystem have founded long-term cooperation. 

As a part of this partnership, Ares Protocol will bring more valuable asset data and rich off-chain data for Crust Network as well as fully support data management and data indexing on the Crust network. 

Crust x Darwinia

Crust Network and Darwinia Network will collaborate to further strengthen the Polkadot Ecosystem, with both platforms being fully compatible with Web3 standards. Thanks to this partnership,  Darwinia will help Crust increase the efficient multi-chain circulation of ecosystem assets. 

2nd and 3rd PolkaBTC Beta

PolkaBTC announced  the 2nd and 3rd PolkaBTC Beta Challenges 

Vault & Relayer Treasure Hunt:

1) Download & run Vault/Relayer clients.

2) Maintain correct operation for >24h.

3) Submit feedback.

4) Claim DOT reward.


Equilibrium’s Stablecoin Naming Contest result 

Check here to see if you are the lucky one? 


SORA, Polkaswap, and Fearless Wallet project Update

The report takes note of all the milestones of these projects through one week. Let’s check out to get some ideas about what they are doing and their technological developments.

Read the report here.  

Manta Workflow

Some highlights in the workflow report: 

  • TradFi: issue patents to claim territory, hide code to protect IP.
  • DeFi: publish papers to share ideas, open-source code to encourage community contribution.

Read their latest document on our workflow for privacy protection in transacting and swapping here.

Polkadex x Kilt protocol

Polkadex - A fully decentralized, peer-peer, orderbook based cryptocurrency exchange for the Defi ecosystem in Substrate decided to use KILT Protocol - an open-source fat blockchain protocol for issuing claim-based verifiable, revocable, and anonymous credentials in the Web 3.0 as the underlying infrastructure for managing the KYC credentials required. 

Polkadex x Kilt protocol


Zenlink x Opensea

Zenlink -  a new generation cross-chain DEX network and OpenOcean - the first cross-chain full aggregation protocol that aggregates mainstream DEXs on public chains and mainstream CEXs have formed an in-depth collaboration. They will jointly explore the technical possibilities of multi-chain aggregation. 

Synthetic Assets

Stafi x BSC Bridge

StaFi - the first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets has cooperated with Conflux to use ShuttleFlow cross-chain protocol - a decentralized cross-chain protocol built on the Conflux network to realize the interaction between rToken in Ethereum ecosystem and the BSC ecosystem. 

Shadows x DIA

Shadows Network - a hub for issuing, trading, lending and borrowing synthesis assets has worked together with DIA to implement oracles into the cross-chain synthetics protocol we’re developing. 


The early supporter sale of $TIDAL 

Tidal Finance - insurance coverage for assets across chains in custom balanced liquidity pools unveiled the process for the early supporter round of its platform token $TIDAL on  Mar 12 2021.  

Tidal x Stone

Tidal Finance has reached a strategic partnership with DefiStone - the only yield management framework focused on creating rock-solid yields for all the users in the DeFi space to provide smart insurance cover solutions. As a part of the collaboration, Tidal Finance will offer Stone platform users the next generation of strategic DeFi investing security. 

Tidal x Balancer

Tidal announced that their public sale will be going live on BalancerLabs on March 25th. The listing on Balancer will offer everyone a fair way to participate in Tidal. 

All the details related to token sales will be released later. 

Tidal x Balancer

Oracles & Data

Kylin Network W3F Grant Milestone 1 Completion

Kylin - a cross-chain platform powering the data economy on Polkadot was officially recognized in the list of the Wave 8 Recipients on Feb 8th 2021. And on Mar 03 2021, they proudly announced the W3F Grant Milestone 1 successful  Completion.

Kylin Network W3F Grant Milestone 1 Completion

Kylin x MantraDao

Kylin - a cross-chain platform powering the data economy on Polkadot announces important cooperation with MANTRA DAO to help drive oracle scripting, data analytics, and data feeding parameters with respect to their community-governed DeFi platform.

Kylin x Polka Foundry

PolkaFoundry- a platform for building borderless and frictionless DeFi dApps on Polkadot has established a long-term strategic partnership with Kylin - a cross-chain platform powering the data economy on Polkadot. The strategic partnership will strengthen the positions of both PolkaFoundry and Kylin Network as the critical building blocks for DeFi and Web3 applications on Polkadot. 

Paralink February report

A quick recap of the report:

  • Partnerships with HeyEdgeware, ReefDeFi, Konomi Network, Knit Finance, Plasm_Network.
  • Public Block Explorer Launch.
  • Halborn Audit.
  • AMAs with 14 groups.

SubQuery Raises $1.8M Seed Round

SubQuery - the service making decentralized data easier to query has  successfully raised a US$1.8 million seed round and private sale supported by DeFi Alliance, D1 Ventures, Hypersphere Ventures, Digital Finance Group (DFG), and The Lao. This seed raise will supercharge the development of SubQuery and accelerate the delivery of critical data services to the Polkadot/Substrate community. 


Claim HydraDX tutorial 

Check the video to know how to claim HydraDX - the token of a cross-chain liquidity protocol built on substrate easily. 

DeFi in Polkadot is created for information-providing purposes, not including investment advice.

For projects wanting to be featured in DeFi in Polkadot or having any suggestions, please chat with us at [email protected].

Read more:  DeFi in Polkadot Vol.10 | Mar 15th - Mar 21th