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Evmos Ecosystem: A gold mine with numerous retroactive opportunities

The Cosmos ecosystem has been rapidly expanding in recent times, with each minor ecosystem gaining favorable traction. Evmos is one of the competitive candidates worth mentioning.
Published Mar 03 2022
Updated Oct 27 2022
9 min read

To help you catch up with the Evmos ecosystem, I will walk you through it in this article and cover the following topics:

  • The current situation in Evmos.
  • An overview of the Evmos ecosystem.
  • Analysis of each sector in the Evmos ecosystem.
  • Prediction and investment opportunities.

Let's get started!

Evmos Overview 

What is Evmos? 

Evmos One-pager. Source: Coin98 Insights

Evmos is a next-gen EVM-compatible hub in Cosmos Ecosystem. Evmos has an environment that is compatible with the EVM and other BFT chains through IBC. This means that developers can use Solidity smart contracts to run on Evmos without significantly modifying their code.

Evmos is scalable, built on Proof-of-Stake and has the potential for adoption between the EVM and IBC user and developer bases. 

Evmos Highlights

  • Full EVM Compatibility in the Cosmos: Evmos will be a gateway which is the intersection of the "silk road" leading to both Ethereum and the Cosmos universe, as well as other EVM chains. 
  • Deferred Gas Rebates: This feature is to distribute rewards back to users of the contract (gas subsidy) in order to incentivize smart contract usage on Evmos. 
  • Built-in shared Fee Revenue Model (the dApp store): Unlike other blockchains that only reward validators/miners, Evmos, on the contrary, will reward both active users and redistribute gas fees to developers of vital dApps on the network. This means that developers will be able to run their projects without having to rely heavily on venture capital or sell off the tokens for money, thus creating a self-sustaining, economic driven network. 
  • IBC Relayer Fee Rebates: Relayers are responsible for burning on validator’s balance sheets. But in Evmos and IBC transactions, they are going to be rebated at least 50%. 

Evmos benefits from all networks because it is both compatible with EVM chains and can communicate with almost all hubs and zones within Cosmos via IBC. Evmos allows EVM-based developers to touch the Cosmos universe without having to relearn a new programming language from scratch.

Consider Evmos Hub to be a great ally to Cosmos because it allows talented developers in EVM chains and massive cash flows from those ecosystems to easily access the Cosmos universe. We've seen the success of the Cosmos Hub; will Evmos follow suit?

Let's take a look at what's inside the Evmos ecosystem right now to find out!

Evmos Hightlighted Numbers 

(Updated on April 14, 2022) 

  • Total transactions: 2063
  • Block Height: 58,701
  • Block Time: 6.011ms 
  • Wallet Addresses: 3481
  • Validators: 150/197
  • Programming Language: Solidity

Because the Evmos chain has not yet been mainnet, the statistics may change significantly in the future. You can go to two Evmos Explorers to see the current state of Evmos as follows:

Roadmap & Current situation 

Let's take a closer look at the development of the Evmos chain: 

April 2021

  • The team began working on shipping code and team scaling.
  • Ethermint has been renamed to Evmos.

March 2022

  • Delayed the mainnet in March due to technical issues.


  • Waiting for the Evmos Mainnet.

The only thing left to look forward to is the launch of Evmos' mainnet, which will mark the beginning of an EVM development wave across the Cosmos Network. 

Evmos Ecosystem


Exswap: Exswap is a fork of Uniswap v2 that is launching on Evmos. It intends to serve as a DeFi Hub in the Evmos ecosystem. The team has announced that 20% of the total token supply will be distributed to members of the community and active contributors, including:

Users and/or stakers on these chains may be eligible for an Exswap airdrop.

This isn’t all. The team also said that they have a retroactive plan for the early supporters of ExSwap. This is a great chance for you to seek a "free lunch."

Kinesis Labs: The first stableswap exchange is built on Evmos, with the goal of becoming the largest exchange solely for stablecoins. Kinesis intends to participate in the governance of stablecoin protocols such as Alchemix, Fei, and Frax in the future. This will aid in the transfer of these well-known stablecoins from the EVM chain to the Cosmos Ecosystem via Evmos.

Moreover, Nomad Bridge and Celer Bridge have partnered with this DEX in order to meet the needs of users who wish to transfer funds into Evmos.

Diffusion Finance: Another Uniswap v2 fork version on Evmos. This DEX has announced the unique airdrop plan for Uniswap token holders, OSMO stakers, Evmos community and early users of the protocol. 

Cronus Finance: Cronus was the first DEX to deploy a working demo on Evmos. This beautifully designed protocol left an impression on me. This DEX has also announced its airdrop strategy for OSMOS/ATOM/JUNO stakers (completed), the Evmos community, and early adopters.

SpaceFi: SpaceFi is a cross-chain protocol that combines DeFi, NFT, Game, Social network, etc. into a single protocol.  It will run on Evmos, Celo, and Layer2 blockchains. SpaceFi's incentivized testnet is currently operational.

QuantumSwap: An Evmos-based DEX with the mission of acting as a liquidity adapter between the Ethereum and Cosmos ecosystems.

Despite the fact that Evmos has yet to mainnet, the DEX sector has emerged early on, and the majority of these DEXs are simply waiting for the mainnet EVM to be launched. With these faces, let us see which DEX will be the fastest candidate to capture the community's attention and become the leader of the DEX array in this promised land of Evmos.

Those DEXs, I believe, will provide you with a slew of future retroactive opportunities (with an airdrop strategy for the communities they target to attract users). They will soon open liquidity mining programs as well as other programs to attract more liquidity coming into the protocol.


Coslend: A lending project on Evmos and is a forked version of Compound Finance. The project currently has 36,000 followers on Discord. There will be an airdrop for users in the following target groups:

What makes this announcement unique is that Compound users will receive an airdrop from Coslend. Sounds interesting.

Coslend Airdrop Groups

Midas Capital: Midas Capital is a DAO within the Tribe DAO ecosystem bringing Rari Capital’s Fuse pools to EVM compatible blockchains. Midas has recently joined the Evmos testnet, allowing testers to create custom and isolated pools for lending and borrowing of assets.

You can join the testnet on this link:

In contrast to DEXs, there are currently only two projects in the lending market. The list is far from complete, and I expect more names to appear soon.

Moreover, the Tribe DAO team will assist Midas Capital in its development phrases on Evmos. So following and joining the project's testnet would be greatly appreciated if you had the time.

Stable Coins

The stable coins in the Evmos ecosystem includes: 

  • FRAX: Frax Finance has announced that they have collaborated with Evmos by deploying the FRAX stablecoin to this new ecosystem. Thanks to this partnership with Evmos, the FRAX stablecoin will be able to reach users all over the Cosmos ecosystem via IBC. This means that users can use FRAX on DeFi protocols of Cosmos-based chains.

There is currently no official mainnet for Evmos, so the stats of stablecoins in this ecosystem will be updated at a later date. Stay tuned! 


Infrastructure projects on Evmos currently include:

Bridge: Celer Bridge, Connext, and Nomad Bridge. Nomad and Celer bridges will be integrated with Kinesis Labs through a strategic partnership.

Oracle: UMA will be an optimistic oracle and decentralized data provider within Evmos blockchain, including data for bridge, insurance, custom derivatives, etc. 

Explorer: Evmos blockchain data can be tracked using these two explorers. 

Other Infrastructure as-a-service projects: Figment, Coinbase Cloud, Orijtech, KYVE, Blockdaemon, Celestia, Covalent, Pocket network, First Foundry and Forte, etc. These projects will help Evmos build a foundation for future dApps in this ecosystem by establishing a solid infrastructure layer.

Evmos' existing infrastructure is fairly complete and meets the fundamental requirements of applications well. Bridges are being built to connect to Evmos. Because it is an EVM-compatible chain, Ethereum infrastructure projects and tools can be easily used and scaled to Evmos.

NFT& NFT Marketplace

NFT projects have already been generated and are ready for whenever Evmos goes mainnet. Below are some of the names:

  • EvmOS Punks: The Ethereum Punk Forked Version of Evmos with 10,000 Punks.
  • Evmos Explorers: 10,000 explorers within the Evmos Ecosystem.
  • Evmos Domains: This protocol will work similar to the Ethereum Name Service, providing you with your favorite name with a .evmos domain.
  • OrbitMarket: An NFT marketplace on Evmos. This marketplace has created 10,000 3D Orbital Apes. Minting these Orbital will grant you access to many exclusive OrbitMarket features such as fee redistribution, rewards, and play to earn opportunities.

Even before the ecosystem goes mainnet, we've seen pieces of the NFT puzzle start to appear on Evmos. With the emergence of NFT projects like this, I believe that after Evmos officially goes live, we will see a slew of new projects spring up in this ecosystem.

Evmos Ecosystem Predictions

Although Evmos is still in the testnet phase, the most fundamental components of an ecosystem, such as infrastructure, DEX, and lending, are already present and just waiting for the official launch date after the Evmos mainnet.

Project management requires more than just writing code and distributing the finished product to users; it also necessitates the creation of marketing campaigns and forming alliances with various stakeholders. It's expected that prominent candidates will begin to emerge once Evmos is operational. Keep an eye out for any early protocols.

Another advantage is that the fee splitting feature will serve as an incentive for many EVM-based developers to switch to building projects with Evmos. Developers can earn fees if their projects are successful, and they can also approach users throughout the Cosmos ecosystem.

In addition, well-known dapps from other EVM chains can take advantage of this opportunity to port their products to Evmos and expand their market in Cosmos, as well. They can therefore use IBC features to access all IBC-enabled chains throughout the universe. . I believe that famous faces will soon begin to deploy the projects via Evmos and gradually migrate users from other chains to here.

How do you feel about the arrival of Evmos, an EVM-compatible chain that connects the $17 billion Cosmos ecosystem to a $250 billion EVM ecosystem?

Investment Opportunities

Token Investment

As I previously stated, because this ecosystem has not yet entered the mainnet phase, the potential for investment in Evmos native tokens is enormous. If Omosis serves as a liquidity zone for Cosmos, Evmos serves as a link between other future EVM Hubs that will appear soon on Cosmos. That is why Evmos is crucial. The Evmos Chain will be surrounded by an EVM Hub. As a result, an EVM ecosystem will emerge that is both competitive and complementary.

Skin in the game and Retroactive Opportunities

The fertile land lies right here!

Evmos' key DeFi segments will begin to develop and launch incentives. After that, new projects will be regularly launched, and their airdrop plans will be announced soon in order to attract the community.

Use the project early, help them find bugs by testing their products, or participate in farming with juicy fields and earn retroactive opportunities.Those activities are also good choices if you have time to skin in the game. 

Maintain a laser-like focus with your eyes on this ecosystem.


Here are some of my brief summaries:

  • Evmos is an EVM chain that lives within Cosmos. Evmos, as a Cosmos component, can benefit from both IBC-enabled networks and all the EVM chain's characteristics.
  • You have a lot of options when it comes to looking for retroactive and airdrops. As we can see, almost all dApps on Evmos have announced their user airdrop campaigns. Start digging for gold with your shovel!
  • However, you must carefully select good projects because EVM chains are known as scammers' havens, and Evmos may not be out of the target of these scammers.

Hopefully, you have gained a more comprehensive understanding of the Evmos ecosystem, the main protocols in the Evmos system, and have begun looking for investment opportunities in the Evmos through this article.  

What do you think the next direction of the Evmos ecosystem will be? Which ecosystem overview are you most interested in learning about next? Let me know in the comments section below the article!