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10 blockchain applications & use cases in real life (2022)

Blockchain has become one of the most popular topics in the tech world, and for a good reason. The potential applications of blockchain technology are virtually endless, and it seems like every day, a new use case for blockchain is discovered.
Published Aug 31 2021
Updated Nov 06 2023
12 min read

In this article, we're going to explore some of the most promising real-world applications of blockchain technology that are already being developed.

Understanding Blockchain Technology

Definition of blockchain

The term “blockchain” has been used in a variety of different ways, and it can be confusing to try to understand what it really means. At its most basic level, a blockchain is simply a digital ledger of transactions. 

Blockchain Technology can apply to many areas in real life

This ledger is distributed across a network of computers so that each computer on the network has a copy of the entire blockchain. This allows for transparent and secure record-keeping, as everyone on the network can see every transaction that has ever been made.

Blockchains are often described as being “decentralized”, meaning that there is no central authority overseeing the network. Instead, the network is managed by all of the users who participate in it. This decentralization makes blockchains very secure, as there is no single point of failure that could be exploited.

The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 and it used a blockchain to record all of the transactions made with the currency. Since then, thousands of other cryptocurrencies have been created, all of which use their own blockchains.

What is the blockchain application?

The blockchain application is a distributed database that allows for secure, transparent and tamper-proof record-keeping. This makes it ideal for a wide range of applications, from financial transactions to medical records and land registries.

The potential of blockchain technology is immense, and its applications are only limited by our imagination. In the future, we may see blockchain being used in everything from voting systems to self-driving cars. 

In the very near future, blockchain technology may redefine the Internet as we know it today and more applications will be developed to take advantage of its unique properties.

For now, the most popular use case for blockchain is in cryptocurrencies, as it provides a secure and decentralized way to track transactions. However, there are many other potential applications for blockchain technology, and its use is only limited by our imagination.

Why does blockchain need applications?

So why does blockchain need applications? Because without them, the technology would be nothing more than an interesting curiosity with no real-world utility. Applications give blockchain its power and usefulness. They are the key to unlocking the true potential of this transformative technology.

Applications are what allow blockchain to be used for things like payments, smart contracts, and other transactions. They are the reason why blockchain is being adopted by so many industries. Without them, blockchain would have no practical purpose.

There are more important aspects, such as security and decentralization, but ultimately it is applications that will determine the success or failure of blockchain. That is why developers are working hard to create new and innovative applications that can be used on the blockchain.

10 Blockchain Applications in real life

Supply Chain

The use of blockchain technology in supply chains is becoming more and more prevalent, as the benefits of using this distributed ledger technology become more widely known. Blockchain can help to streamline supply chain management processes and improve transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain. 

By providing a shared, tamper-proof record of all transactions, blockchain can help to reduce or eliminate errors, delays and fraud.

Some of the potential benefits of using blockchain in supply chains include:

  • Improved transparency and traceability: Blockchain provides a shared, tamper-proof record of all transactions that take place within the supply chain. This allows for improved transparency and traceability throughout the entire supply chain network.
  • Reduced costs: The use of blockchain technology can help to reduce the costs associated with supply chain management, by eliminating the need for third-party intermediaries and middlemen.
  • Faster transactions: Blockchain can help to speed up transactions within the supply chain, by reducing or eliminating the need for paperwork and other manual processes.
  • Improved security: The use of blockchain can help to improve security throughout the supply chain, by providing a secure, tamper-proof record of all transactions.

While the benefits of using blockchain in supply chains are clear, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed before this technology can be widely adopted. These challenges include:

  • Scalability: The scalability of blockchain technology is still an issue that needs to be addressed. The current generation of blockchain platforms is not able to handle the large number of transactions that would be required for global supply chains.
  • Interoperability: Another challenge that needs to be addressed is the lack of interoperability between different blockchain platforms. This is a major obstacle to the widespread adoption of blockchain technology in supply chains.
  • Regulatory compliance: Another issue that needs to be addressed is the regulatory compliance of blockchain technology. Supply chains are highly regulated industries, and any new technology needs to comply with all relevant regulations.

Despite these challenges, there is a lot of potential for blockchain technology to revolutionize supply chain management. We are already seeing some early adopters implementing this technology in their supply chains, and it is only a matter of time before we see widespread adoption.

Here are some of the applications that blockchain technology can apply to.


There is a number of ways that blockchain can improve the current technology industry, such as:

  • Secure data: Blockchain technology is already being used by some organizations to improve the security of their data. For example, blockchain technology is being used by Microsoft to store data on the Azure cloud platform. This means that data stored on the blockchain is less likely to be hacked or lost. 
  • Reduce costs: Blockchain technology can be used to reduce the costs of storing data. For example, when data is stored on the blockchain, it does not need to be replicated in multiple databases. This can save organizations a significant amount of money.
  • Faster transactions: Blockchain technology can also help to speed up transactions. For example, when data is stored on the blockchain, it does not need to be replicated in multiple databases. This can save organizations a significant amount of time. 
  • Improve efficiency and transparency: One of the most unique and useful aspects of blockchain technology is its transparency. When data is stored on the blockchain, it is easy to track and verify. This can help to prevent fraud and ensure that data is accurate.

Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to help the Technology Industry to improve the way they store and manage data. In addition, blockchain technology can help to reduce costs, speed up transactions, and improve efficiency and transparency.


The healthcare industry is in a constant state of change. New technologies and treatments are constantly being developed, which can make it difficult for providers to keep up. One area that has seen a significant change in recent years is the use of blockchain technology.

There are many potential applications for blockchain technology in healthcare. 

Blockchain application in healthcare. Source: Sabarish Nair

For example, it could be used to create a secure and decentralized patient health record (PHR) system. This would give patients more control over their own data, while also making it more difficult for hackers to access sensitive information.

Blockchain could also be used to streamline the claims and billing process. Currently, this process is often slow and cumbersome, leading to delays in payments for providers. By using blockchain, claims could be processed more quickly and efficiently. This would save both time and money for both providers and payers.

In addition, blockchain technology could be used to track the movement of drugs and other medical supplies throughout the supply chain. This would help to ensure that these products are not counterfeit or stolen. It would also help to identify any potential issues with the supply chain, such as delays or shortages.

Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to greatly improve the healthcare industry. By providing a secure and efficient way to store and share data, it can help to improve patient care and make the system more efficient.

Finance (Banks and payments systems)

Blockchain technology in banks and payments systems is a digital ledger that records all transactions. It is constantly growing as "completed" blocks are added to it with a new set of recordings. 

Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Bitcoin nodes, as an example, use the blockchain to differentiate legitimate Bitcoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere.

Blockchain technology in banks and payments systems. Source:

When it comes to blockchain in banking, there are a few key applications that have been identified so far. These include cross-border payments, KYC/AML compliance, loan origination and trade finance. Let's take a closer look at each one.

  • Cross-border payment is an area where blockchain can potentially offer a lot of benefits. The current system for cross-border payments is slow, cumbersome and expensive. With blockchain, the process can be streamlined and made much more efficient.
  • KYC/AML compliance is another area where blockchain can help banks. The current KYC/AML process is manual and time-consuming. With blockchain, the process can be automated and made much more efficient.
  • Loan origination is another area where blockchain can potentially offer benefits. The current loan origination process is very manual and time-consuming. With blockchain, the process can be automated and made much more efficient.
  • Trade finance is another area where blockchain can potentially offer benefits. The current trade finance process is very manual and time-consuming. With blockchain, the process can be automated and made much more efficient.

In conclusion, blockchain has the potential to offer a lot of benefits to banks and the banking system. It can streamline processes, make them more efficient and reduce costs. It remains to be seen how quickly and how widely blockchain will be adopted by banks.


As the world becomes increasingly digitized, businesses are looking for ways to streamline their operations and make them more efficient. One way to do this is by using blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology can help businesses in a number of ways, including:

  • Reducing costs and increasing efficiency: One of the biggest advantages of blockchain technology is that it has the potential to reduce costs and increase efficiency for businesses. For example, by using blockchain-based smart contracts, businesses can automate many of their processes, which can save time and money. 
  • Improving security and transparency: Another advantage of blockchain technology is that it can improve security and transparency for businesses. For example, because blockchain-based systems are distributed, they are much more difficult to hack than traditional centralized systems. In addition, because all transactions on a blockchain are public, businesses can use blockchain-based systems to increase transparency and accountability.
  • Providing a new way to raise capital: Blockchain-based Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) have become a popular way for businesses to raise capital. An ICO is a type of crowdfunding that allows businesses to issue digital tokens in exchange for investment funds. 
  • Creating new opportunities for innovation: Finally, blockchain technology can also create new opportunities for innovation. By using blockchain-based systems, businesses can develop new applications that could potentially disrupt traditional industries. In addition, because blockchain-based systems are still in their early stages of development, there is a lot of room for experimentation and innovation.


Government organizations around the world are beginning to explore how blockchain technology can help them become more efficient and effective. Blockchain is best known as the underlying technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but its potential applications extend far beyond that.

One area where blockchain could help government organizations is in improving data security. Because blockchain records are immutable and transparent, they can provide a higher level of security than traditional databases. This could be particularly useful for sensitive government data, such as medical records or tax information.

Another area where blockchain technology could be beneficial is in streamlining government processes. For example, land registries or birth/death certificates could be stored on a blockchain, which would make it easier and faster for government agencies to access and update these records.

Ultimately, blockchain technology has the potential to help government organizations become more efficient and effective. It remains to be seen how widely adopted it will become, but it is certainly worth exploring for those who are looking for ways to improve their operations.


The insurance industry has been exploring the use of blockchain technology to streamline processes, reduce costs and improve security. Some potential applications of blockchain in insurance include claims processing, fraud detection, policy management and smart contracts. 

In addition, the increased transparency and security provided by blockchain can help to reduce fraud and lower costs. While the full potential of blockchain in insurance is yet to be realized, the technology holds great promise for transforming the industry.

Blockchain offers a number of advantages for insurance companies including:

  • Streamlined claims handling: By digitizing data and automating processes, the blockchain can help insurers speed up claims handling times and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced fraud: The increased transparency and security provided by blockchain can help to reduce fraud and lower costs.
  • Improved policy management: Blockchain-based smart contracts can help to automate policy management and make the process more efficient.
  • Customized insurance products: Insurers can use blockchain technology to create custom insurance products that are tailored to the specific needs of their customers.

While the full potential of blockchain in insurance is yet to be realized, the technology holds great promise for transforming the industry. Insurance companies that are able to leverage the power of blockchain will be well-positioned to compete in the future marketplace.


The application of blockchain technology in the gaming industry has the potential to revolutionize the way games are developed, distributed, and played.

Blockchain is transforming the gaming industry. There are many applications such as NFT, Webgames that are already using blockchain

Blockchain-based games can offer a number of advantages over traditional games, including transparency, immutability, and decentralization. These features can help to create a more fair and secure gaming environment for all players.

In addition, blockchain technology can also be used to create new types of game experiences that are not possible with traditional games. For example, blockchain-based games can allow players to own their in-game items and assets, trade them freely on decentralized exchanges, and even earn real-world value from them.

With all of these potential benefits, it is no wonder that many in the gaming industry are starting to explore the possibilities of blockchain technology.


The use of blockchain technology can help to increase transparency and accountability in the charitable sector. By providing a secure and transparent platform for donations and expenditures, blockchain can help to ensure that funds are used for their intended purpose and that donors can track where their money is going. 

Additionally, blockchain-based smart contracts could be used to automatically disburse funds to beneficiaries based on predetermined criteria, further increasing efficiency and reducing fraudulent activity.

While there are many potential benefits of using blockchain technology in the charitable sector, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed. 

For example, it is important to ensure that private information remains confidential and that transactions are processed quickly and efficiently. Additionally, it is vital to ensure that the platform is accessible to all stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, and regulators.

Despite the challenges, blockchain technology has the potential to transform the charitable sector by increasing transparency and accountability. With proper implementation, blockchain could help to ensure that funds are used for their intended purpose and that donors can track where their money is going. 

Asset Management

Asset management is all about tracking and managing assets (such as financial securities, property titles, or even digital assets like cryptocurrencies) throughout their lifecycle.

Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent record of each asset, from its inception to its eventual disposition. This would allow asset managers to track and manage assets more effectively, while also providing greater transparency to investors.

There are numerous benefits to using blockchain technology in asset management, including:

  • Increased security: By design, blockchain is resistant to data corruption and tampering. This makes it an ideal platform for managing assets and sensitive information.
  • Greater transparency: A public blockchain would allow all investors to view the entire history of an asset, from its inception to its current ownership. This would increase transparency and confidence in the asset management process.
  • Improved efficiency: Blockchain-based asset management would automate many manual processes that are currently needed to track and manage assets. This would lead to reduced costs and improved efficiency.


While the potential applications of blockchain technology are vast, it is important to remember that the technology is still in its early stages of development. It will take time for the full potential of blockchain technology to be realized. Nonetheless, the possibilities are exciting, and the potential impact of blockchain technology on the world is huge.

I hope you have gained a better understanding of blockchain technology and its potential applications after reading this article. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.