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How To Use Cropper Finance: A Step By Step Guide

In this article, Coin98 will guide you on how to use Cropper Finance - the first permissionless Yield Farming platform on Solana.
Published Oct 01 2021
Updated Sep 12 2023
7 min read

Coin98 Wallet is the first decentralized wallet that supports Solana DApps with top-tier security.

Currently, Coin98 Wallet has successfully integrated Cropper Finance on dApp Browser and has become one of the official cryptocurrency wallets on this platform, contributing to opening the door for users around the world to access the ever-growing ecosystem. This article will guide you on how to use Cropper Finance in a detailed way, including: 

  • How to Swap on Cropper Finance.
  • How to Add liquidity on Cropper Finance.
  • How to Farm on Cropper Finance.

Cropper Finance Overview

Cropper Finance is the first permissionless Yield Farming platform on Solana that allows any SPL project to make Yield Farming available to token holders with just a few clicks, taking Yield Farming to a whole new level. Cropper Finance makes Yield Farming more accessible for all new projects on Solana.

Cropper Finance also makes it easy for users to swap their favorite tokens easily and quickly on Serum's order-book mechanism but on a friendly DEX interface with advanced trading features such as limit orders.

How to start using Cropper Finance

Download and install Coin98 Wallet

Cropper Finance is now available on the Coin98 Mobile Wallet for both iOS and Android users, download here.

Download and install Extension Wallet

Coin98 Extension Wallet now supports both Chrome and Firefox. If you are a new user, currently you can directly install the Extension Wallet on your computer. Read more how to use Coin98 Extension Wallet here.

Create the Solana (SOL & SPL tokens)

Cropper Finance is a Yield Farming platform on Solana, so you definitely need a Solana wallet (SOL, SPL) to use this platform. 

After installing Coin98 Wallet, you can refer to the guidelines below to create a Solana (SOL, SPL) wallet, or restore Solana wallets from other platforms to Coin98 Wallet. If you are already a Coin98 Wallet user, you can refresh your multi-chain wallet to update your Solana wallet (SOL, SPL) as well as other new wallets available in this version!

Read the detailed instructions about how to create wallet on Coin98 Wallet.

Prepare SOL to pay for the gas fee

Cropper Finance uses SOL for the gas fee, therefore, to start experiencing on Cropper Finance, you need to have SOL coins in your account.

So now that everything is ready, let’s start trading.

How to use Cropper Finance on Coin98 Mobile Wallet

To access Cropper Finance, from the main screen of the wallet after logging in to your Coin98 Wallet account, you go to Browser and select Cropper Finance in the Farm & Stake section of the DApp Store or search in the search bar.


Step 1: After accessing Cropper from DApp Browser, click the Connect icon in the upper right to connect to Coin98 Wallet. Then select Coin98 Wallet from the list of wallets.

Step 2: Next, to change your wallet or trading network, you can click the wallet option in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 3: Next, click on the menu icon in the upper right. Select Swap.

Cropper Finance's swap feature allows two tokens to be exchanged quickly through Serum, while the DEX UI also allows for more advanced trading features such as limit orders.

Step 4: Enter the amount of each token you want to swap.

Note: Transaction fees on Cropper Finance are quite cheap, but you also need to keep some SOL for gas fees while swapping for transactions to be complete.

Step 5: Click Swap. The system will charge a very small amount of network fee for this step. After the transaction is successful, the system will display a message so that you can confirm your transaction again.

Add liquidity

$CRP is the native token of Cropper Finance. Holders will be able to deposit $CRP into liquidity pools (LP) in order to provide liquidity to the farm of their choice in the CRP pair.

Step 1: Click on the menu icon in the upper right. Select Liquidity so you can start providing yourself with liquidity.

Step 2: Choose the amount you want to Supply. Just enter the amount of a coin/token, the system will automatically calculate for you the remaining coin/token.

The system will charge a very small amount of network fee for this step. After the transaction is successful, the system will display a message so that you can confirm your transaction again.

Step 3: After successfully providing liquidity, you can scroll down to the bottom of the screen to check your on-chain data.

You can also get your money back at any time by clicking the Remove liquidity button to cancel the liquidity you provided.


We can understand that Yield Farming is simply a matter of participants providing liquidity to DeFi platforms, thereby earning profits. It's like depositing money in the bank to earn interest.

And that is also the main feature of Cropper Finance.

On the Cropper Finance platform, all Solana projects and their tokens will be able to create a liquidity pool. Once a liquidity pool is created, the project that created the pool will be able to launch its own farm where its token holders will be able to add liquidity.

Another special feature of Cropper Finance is the Yield Farming CRP system. To motivate $CRP holders to take their coins off the market and reduce sell pressure, Cropper Finance intends to launch lockup LP pools where tokens will be locked for a specified amount of time. These pools will have a higher emissions rate than the unlocked LP.

‌For all the LPs working on our platform, Cropper Finance will charge fees for harvesting (0.1 %). CropperFinance will also charge fees for the creation of new LPs (the amount has not yet been determined).

Once you have the LP token, click on the menu icon in the upper right. Select Farms to be able to start farming.

Cropper Finance's Farms system is currently under audit and will soon launch with many outstanding features of the first yield farming permissionless platform.

How to use Cropper Finance with Coin98 Extension Wallet

Coin98 Extension Wallet with the latest updated version allows users to connect to Dapps easily.

The special point of the Coin98 Extension Wallet is that the Coin98 Wallet automatically optimizes transaction fees and speed. It could help you achieve significant savings in transaction fees. Or else, you can adjust the gas fee by sliding the gas fee bar according to your purpose.


Step 1: After accessing Cropper Finance here, click the Launch App icon. Then select Connect in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Select Coin98 Wallet and click to confirm Connect in the message displayed on Coin98 Extension Wallet.

Step 3: Select Swap at the top of the screen to start swapping.

Step 4: Enter the amount of each token you want to swap.

Note: Transaction fees on Cropper Finance are quite cheap, but you also need to keep some SOL for gas fees while swapping for transactions to be complete.

Step 5: Click Swap. The system will charge a very small amount of network fee for this step. Then choose Sign.

Add liquidity

Step 1: You select Liquidity at the top of the screen to start providing liquidity for you.

Step 2: Choose the amount you want to Supply. Just enter the amount of a coin/token, the system will automatically calculate for you the remaining coin/token. Then choose Sign.

Step 3: After successfully providing liquidity, you can scroll down to the bottom of the screen to check your on-chain data.

You can also get your money back at any time by clicking the Remove liquidity button to cancel the liquidity you provided.


For all the LPs working on our platform, CropperFinance will charge fees for harvesting (0.1%). CropperFinance will also charge fees for the creation of new LPs (the amount has not yet been determined).

Once you have the LP token, click on the menu icon in the upper right. Select Farms to be able to start farming.

Cropper Finance's Farms system is currently under audit and will soon launch with many outstanding features of the first yield farming permissionless platform.

Why should you use Cropper Finance on the Coin98 Wallet?

For users who are both new to DeFi and who have been in DeFi for a long time, using Cropper Finance on Coin98 Wallet brings undeniable benefits such as…

Simple, easy to use

Cropper Finance has officially integrated Coin98 Wallet, facilitating users to connect wallets more easily and conveniently.

DApp Browser is integrated into the Coin98 Mobile Wallet, on both iOS and Android. Just click "Browser" on the main screen, you will quickly access a "Storage" DApp smoothly and without interruption.

Limit the risk of being cheated

Coin98 Wallet is constantly working on finding highly applicable DApps which gives priority to ensuring the safety of the user's assets when integrating the correct address of the DApp on the Coin98 Wallet mobile app. So that you can avoid scenarios like searching and accessing fake DApps, being tricked into giving up Private Key / Passphrase or swapping to win scam tokens.

Cross-chain bridge

Considered as one of the notable improvements of Coin98 Wallet to help users easily interact with Cropper Finance, now you can convert many token standards directly on the wallet via Cross-chain Bridge without performing any redundant operations via 3rd party applications.

Smooth experience with multiple DApp Browser

If you've “fallen in love” with making money on Cropper Finance via this tutorial, why not try other multi-chain DApps right on Coin98 Wallet's Browser.

Let's wait alongside Coin98 Wallet for other planets to be integrated in the Coin98 Wallet universe in the near future!


So, I have introduced and guided you in detail on ways to optimize profits with Cropper Finance. Hope this article has explained & helped you guys to use Cropper Finance directly on Coin98 Wallet.

If you have any questions, please comment below or join the Coin98 Wallet Chat group for support!